Sunday, June 20, 2010

June/July 2010

June/July 2010

A month ago I bought this magazine at my local Barnes and Nobles. The June/July 2010 issue of Organic Gardening has a great section on backyard chicken flocks. They even discuss how to handle your neighbors' objections. NOT that I have had that problem. My neighbors are buying their compost for their gardens. THey love them.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Meet the girls!

My backyard flock consists of 4 Rode Island Reds and 2 Blue Andalusians.  Well one is blue and the other is black.

The girls are growing up.

My girls are growing so big.  I am figuring out their personalities.  Big red is bossy, Lilly is sweet, Daisy is miscervious, and the 3 red ladies are shy and timid.  My husband told me today that he really enjoys watching them.  Chickens in the backyard is like your own personal comic adventure.  

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Raising Chickens on Rainy Days

Raising Chickens on Rainy Days

WOW this rain really needs to stop.   I had to put wood shavings in their run.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Inside pictures

My girls are so messy.  I swear, I just cleaned their coop this moring.  I have been very good about cleaning up their droppings every morning.

More pictures of my coop

The door to the egg boxes.  It has a hen on it, but it is hard to see in the picture.

Here are some more pictures of the coop and yard cont.cont.

Here are some more pictures of the coop and yard cont.

Here are some more pictures of the coop and yard

My girls finally have a coop of their very own.

Click on the pic and you will see the whole coop!

 My husband and I bought our coop from a great carpenter, from Northern NJ.  We went to his house, looked at pictures and then according to our needs and budget he made this coop for us.  The coop is 8 feet total including the run.  We paid $600.00 for it.  We found him on craigslist, through the hudson Valley NY section.
  My husband and Dad are such great sports.  They went an 1 hour into the middle of east bumble fu** to get this coop. AND they also had to pick up this 400 lbs coop.  When we brought it home, my husband and I decided it needed a chicken yard.  Even thought it has a run, we thought that the girls would really enjoy their very own yard.  My dad and husband created their yard using wire fencing, garden stakes, and nice gate. They even dug a trench and put the wire in the ground, so critters and foxes can't get it  I personally would have liked it  a little bigger, but I am not going to tell that to my husband who worked so hard today.  I know, I know, for six hens this is plenty, but I love them.

  Take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Sister In laws Graduation!


Yesterday was my sister in law's college graduation party at my house.  We had a great time with our new gril and everyone had a great time, even my chickens.  The girls were so excited to meet their new friends. Here are some pictures of them, taken by my good friend Beth.

Here is a picture of the graduate with my husband Randy. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My hens have a little pen now.

Last week my husband and my dad made my little darlings a pen.  This pen is just for during the day.  Their real coop will be finished the end of May.  Oh I can not wait for them to be outside.  Take a look!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My first blog post!

This is my first blog post. At the end of April, I bought 6 baby chicks from a local feed store in Walden, NY. 4 Rode Island Reds, and 2 Blue Andalusians. When growing up, my dad and I always had chickens. Raising chickens together has created such a strong bond with my dad, and it has made me who I am today. I care and respect for all animals, and I am a responsible member of society. I believe that raising any animal at such a young age is good for a child.
Right now my hens are still in my home, but my husband and father made them a little pen to go in during the day. They have been here for almost a month now and they are driving me crazy. There coop is in the process of being built and it will be completed by the end of this month.